Wednesday, February 11, 2009



Over the last several years I have become increasingly disenchanted with the increase of uninformed blather that one sees in print, on TV, or listens to on the radio. All too often I see or hear opinions unsupported by facts or even contradicted by facts. There has been a disturbing lack of critical analysis in much of the mainstream media. Too many opinion pieces are not logically coherent. Time and again I find myself wondering in amazement, does he or she actually get paid for this?

There are many examples I could cite. Herewith is one glaring example of lack of critical analysis. When Colin Powell made his presentation to the U.N., I looked in vain afterwards for any critical analysis of his presentation. Because I have some knowledge of intelligence, my first reaction after his presentation was "that's the best they've got?!" I recognized immediately that there was almost nothing of substance there. Why didn't any of the major news sources interview people with knowledge of intelligence? All the major commentators just accepted what he said. Didn't anyone remember the Gulf of Tonkin?

Here's an example of opinion lacking in supporting facts. Almost everything said or written about the insurgency in Iraq seemed unaware of the basic principles of counter-insurgency. It's as if there was a national collective amnesia about the Vietnam War. Astoundingly, it appears that General Patraeus is the only major staff officer in the U.S. Army who knows anything about guerilla war. None of the well-known pundits seemed to show any awareness either. I went and read 8 books on guerilla war and/or terrorism and my recollections of the lessons of Vietnam were confirmed. There is at least one journal devoted entirely to this subject. There are a number of academic experts who have spent their professional careers studying this area, but I never saw any of them consulted in the media. Even Thomas Ricks in his fine book, Fiasco, showed little knowledge of the basic principles of guerilla war. I think it is past time that we have informed opinions in the marketplace of ideas and I hope to contribute to that.

I will be basing my opinions and commentary on knowledge and facts. There are some people who are doing a good job in this area and I will cite them and recommend them.


In addition to my background education and training, I read two daily newspapers, Newsweek, several monthly magazines and watch several of the better commentaries on TV (Kieth Olbermann and Rachel Maddow, e.g.). I also read history and current affairs books as much as I have time for. I have also found that on occasion I have ideas or takes on events that I have not seen anywhere else. So, I hope to occasionally add some new ideas to the debate.


In my next posting I will be revealing my pick for the Bull Connor Award for 2008.

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